Multi-modal cargo transfers and transshipment

With our floating cranes

– Direct transshipment from ocean vessels into river barges and coastal vessels (imports)

– Direct transshipment from river barges and coaster vessels into ocean vessels (exports)

– Offloading from ocean/coastal vessel/barges into floating storage facilities with a single grab

– Delivery to ocean/coastal vessel/barges ex floating storage facilities with a single grab manipulation

– Loading and offloading from/to quay installations or cargo reception hoppers

– Floating cranes are capable of handling ocean vessels up to cape-size class

– Unweighted and weighted (with weighing tower) discharge operations

With our floating cranes

– Weighted discharge can be complemented with automatic sampling and cargo treatment solutions, including debagging, sieving, demagnetizing and spraying additives

– Cargo transfer operations are performed in the Port of Rotterdam at:
o Public buoys
o Customer jetties
o Storage vessel berth in the Waalhaven
o Hartel Terminal

– Fitted with:
o A wide range of clamshell grabs for different dry bulk product and bulk density classes
o Peel grab for handling cargoes like scrap, pig iron and woodchips
o Frames for transferring jumbo bags

Through our Hartel Terminal development with terminal equipment

– Board/Board transshipment (with terminal or floating cranes) from ocean vessel to barge/coaster

– Board/Board transshipment (with terminal or floating cranes) into ocean vessel ex barge/coaster

– Direct discharge ex ocean vessel, barge or coaster into
o Quay-based warehouse (bags and bulk, with grab/frame via sliding roof system)
o Outdoor storage yard

Through our Hartel Terminal development with terminal equipment

– Discharge ex ocean/coaster vessel, barge or coaster into warehouse at 2 nd line
o Bulk via reception hopper connected to trucks or conveying system
o Jumbo bags via terminal trucks and roll-bed trailers

– Delivery of bulk and jumbo bags onto
o Barge
o Coaster Vessel
o Ocean Vessel
o Truck
o Train