Marcor transships Jumbo Bags for multiple customers directly, through shipping lines and parcel operators. Whether these are large shipments, a combination of bulk and bags, or part of a complex parcel vessel carrying dozens of bulk parcels and bag types, we are up to the task.
The majority of Jumbo Bags we handle are directly transshipped from or to seagoing vessel with our floating cranes. We perform these operations at the public buoys and at the quays of our Hartel Terminal and Steinweg terminals. Depending on the bag type and commodity, cutting bags during discharge is possible.
At the Hartel Terminal we are commencing in 2023 with additional services for Jumbo Bags, including:
- Warehousing
- Stevedoring
- Truck and Train loading and discharging
- Container stuffing and stripping
Additional services such as bulking and repacking will be offered when feasible.