Since our inception a major portion of our business relates to the handling and storage of agri-bulk commodities. Through our floating terminal we have ever since been serving a wide range of agri-products arriving from continental Europe and overseas in barges, coastal vessels and seagoing vessels up to post-panamax. With our floating cranes and our grain grabs we can discharge and load such seagoing and connecting vessels seamlessly and productively, and always with premium care.
Besides the transshipment of agri-bulk with our floating cranes, the addition of the floating weighing towers we operate provide accurate weighment and a further enhanced discharge speed. For our customers and stakeholders we developed automatic samplers in the weighing towers, and have installations allowing for spraying against contaminants such as salmonella.
Fertilizers, Jumbo Bags with agri-bulk and additives and other related products serving the aquatic, food and feed sector are also part of our portfolio.
At our home in Rotterdam we have a wide range of storage and cargo monitoring solutions with our unique storage vessel, push barges and through our new terminal. Through the deep-sea Hartel Terminal we can handle even larger vessels and serve the trade by providing additional state-of-the-art storage facilities and multi-modal connectivity for both import and export shipments, onto rail-road-sea, whether goods are in bulk, jumbo bags or containerized form.